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Myth: Digital Marketing Is The Last Thing You Should Worry About During The Pandemic

Myth: Digital Marketing Is The Last Thing You Should Worry About During The Pandemic

While the COVID-19 crisis is creating new challenges for law firms across the country, it’s essential to keep calm and plan intelligently for your law firm’s success. It can be easy to fall into the panic of, “I need to cut costs!” and eliminate essential services. But your law firm is kept together by a delicate balance of well-oiled parts, so don’t panic and abandon your marketing. Actually, right now is an especially important time...

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7 Ways to reduce web page bounce rates

7 Ways to reduce web page bounce rates

A high bounce rate may be an indication that a web page is not functioning optimally. Bounce rates can be discouraging, and they can be deceptive. While there are multiple reasons a visitor could bounce — not all of them bad — it is generally a good idea to work toward lowering bounce rates.

What is bounce rate?

Bounce rate is usually described as the percentage of single-page sessions. Specifically, the number of times, as a percentage of...

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Trending: 5 web design practices that have outlived their usefulness

Trending: 5 web design practices that have outlived their usefulness

Many web design trends catch on for good reason. Innovations allow developers to create visually appealing layouts that serve the best purposes of the site owner and visitors. Beautiful design and function can coexist.

However, trends have a habit of becoming ubiquitous. When industry group-think starts to drive design decisions, it is time to reconsider which trends are actually helping to enhance the user experience. Here are five trends that have outlived their usefulness:

1. Slideshows
Large header...

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Top 9 attorney website must haves

Top 9 attorney website must haves

Your firm's website is working for you day and night, whether you are in or out of the office. It is many people's introduction to your firm and the only interaction they may have with you before deciding whether to call. You must get visitors' attention, and you must get it quickly.

Your website's design should support your firm's overall image and goals, and while each attorney website will be unique to the individual firm's voice and message,...

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How to use color to market and brand your firm effectively

How to use color to market and brand your firm effectively

Color choices play an important role in establishing and supporting a brand's personality. Color can influence both buying decisions and general perceptions about a brand or product. But the relationship is not as straightforward as many marketers would have you believe. The way two different people with two different life experiences and personal preferences will perceive a color is unavoidably subjective.

To say that picking red as a primary color for your firm will make every potential client see...

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Single-page website design for attorneys

Single-page website design for attorneys

Search marketing is in a state of constant change. Google and other search engines are on an ongoing mission to keep poor quality websites from gaming the system - a mission that results in hundreds of algorithm updates a year. Some updates go unnoticed while others, like Penguin, create huge amounts of buzz (and no small amount of panic). Websites must be flexible and adaptable to keep pace with new developments, large and small.

One thing, however, has remained constant:...

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How to use negative space to enhance user experience

white-spaceOne of the challenges of website design is combining many disparate items like text, pictures, links and illustrations into a harmonious page. If a layout is not well thought out, even the most beautiful design elements will suffer from poor display.

Some websites succumb to the misconception that visitors must be given as much information as possible as soon as they land on a page, which leads to an attempt to...

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Making less do more for your website

simplicitySimplicity can be difficult. Simplifying your schedule, your inbox, your wardrobe, your clutter, your to-do list: none of this comes easily. The same is true for design. Many people will say that they want a clean layout with simple navigation and good use of white space, but often they will balk at implementing the resulting design. There is an instinct to fill space – with text, or textures, or gradients,...

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