Google Gets the Searches but Yahoo Gets the Traffic

grow your blog readershipYahoo is back in the web traffic game. 2013 statistics show that although Google is still the clear leader in search engine use, Yahoo is showing a healthy uptick in overall web traffic, for the first time in two years. The numbers do not include mobile traffic. Those numbers are out soon and may show a different story.

Comscore, which ranks top U.S. websites, reveals Yahoo hit 196.6 million...

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Your Firm May Lose Reviews Following Yahoo Yelp Partnership

ReviewsWhen Yahoo and Yelp got together, no one expected that they would lose years of positive reviews from their Yahoo local listings. Although, the agreement did specifically state that Yelp reviews would be used on Yahoo local listings. However, the agreement went forward and virtually overnight, some local businesses lost their complete history of local reviews.

Now, when someone comments or reviews a restaurant, dry cleaner, flooring store or a law...

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Yahoo Teams up With Yelp for Local Search Enhancements

HiResYahoo has announced a partnership with Yelp to boost its local search service. Soon, Yahoo will start showing Yelp’s listings and reviews of local businesses as you access Yahoo Local. The changes should roll out in the coming weeks.

Why the move to enhance local search? Yahoo was a dominant player in its industry until things went awry. Users moved to other sites and services, and the company lost a...

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Social may be trendy but search brings home the leads – SPECIAL REPORT

Social marketing is a popular topic on blogs, in lawyer magazines, and at conferences. This attention is certainly well deserved. Just look at the audience:

  • Facebook – 1 billion+ users
  • Google+ - 500 million+ users
  • Twitter – 500 million+ users
  • LinkedIn- 200 million+ users
  • Pinterest – 48 million+ users

Those audiences should not be ignored, however when looking at what drives leads into your office, we see that search is still the driving force.

Source of leads for law firms from Google, Yahoo,...
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Sell Your Clients the Life They Want to Have

Among the many challenges that law firms have to deal with is, of course, growth. Lawyers spend millions of dollars on marketing every year in an effort to get new clients. From billboards, to television, radio, and the Internet, law firms are spending money to accomplish one thing – to build a bigger law firm.

Unfortunately, many firms spend their law firm marketing dollars on ad campaigns that look the same as every other attorney's advertisements in their region....

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