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How Older Websites Discourage New Clients

Lawyer web design multi platformHaving a website with a high ranking in search engines like Google and Bing is just the beginning. After your law firm is getting high placement, it's time to improve the click-through rate (CTR). The click-through rate is a percentage which reflects the number of times your search engine listing is clicked on, compared to the number of times it is just shown and not clicked on.

Once your website is getting visitors, the next metric that matters is conversion. Most legal marketing professionals look at the number of visitors on your website and compare that number against the number of inquiries received through your website's contact form(s).

Your click-through rate is most often improved through modifications to your page title and descriptions -- the two items seen in your search engine listing. But improving your website's conversion rate often comes down to design.

As web hosting is relatively inexpensive, it's fairly common for websites to be visible years after they have worn out their relevance. When someone clicks on a law firm's website with a modern style, they see that the firm is active, up-to-date, and, as cliché as it may sound, a leader.

An old website design can cause a visitor to lose confidence. They may wonder, Is this lawyer about to retire? Are they still working in my practice area? Why hasn't their blog been updated in two years? Why are they still linking to their MySpace and Google Buzz accounts? These are not the questions you want your visitors to be asking themselves after you have worked so hard to get them to your site.

Navigate through some of your competitors' websites and look at the firms with newer designs. Based solely on their design and layout, would they look more attractive to a potential client than your firm?

To improve your conversion rate, the answer may be found in a new design.

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