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Ethical Considerations for Lawyers Using Search Engine Marketing

Ethical Considerations for Lawyers Using Search Engine Marketing

Lawyers are subject to strict ethical rules. Ethical rules govern not only an attorney’s representation of her client, but also how attorneys communicate with the general public. Indeed, the Model Rules of Professional Conduct contain specific rules addressing “communication concerning a lawyer’s services.” Attorney marketing is among the types of communication these rules cover.

Given that there are very real ethical concerns with attorney marketing in general, it is no surprise that ethics panels are being...

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The 2018 Content Marketing Plan for Law Firms

The 2018 Content Marketing Plan for Law Firms

Content marketing is propelling forward into a modernized world of high expectations for law firms: to be unique and trustworthy for clients with a crisp and transparent online presence. As rough as the roadmap to successful marketing may seem, it is not impossible. The secret is in the flow. Here is how your firm can tackle content marketing today:

Create Your Plan of Action

Break it down.
The simplest start to new beginnings in 2018 is to realign your law firm’s goals...

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4 long-form page examples for attorneys

4 long-form page examples for attorneys

Long-form pages are becoming increasingly popular among web users. But it's not just humans who like them; Google also rewards this media-rich content. We will explain why in a moment.

What is long-form content?
A long-form page consists of in-depth copy paired with other forms of media. While a standard article may include a picture with some text, long-form content integrates graphics and other forms of media to tell a story.

Another characteristic of long-form pages is (as the name implies)...

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5 steps for more memorable marketing

5 steps for more memorable marketing

Attorneys understand the value of a good presentation. Informal evidence gleaned from mock trial simulations suggests that, all other things being equal, merely the appearance of the defendant or witnesses can influence a jury's decision. Whether you are attempting to negotiate a settlement, convince a jury or bring a new client on board, the way in which you present your case matters.

The same is true for marketing: presentation counts. How can you compete if generalizations and vague...

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Twitter offers new targeting options through tailored audiences

Twitter offers new targeting options through tailored audiences

After months of beta testing, Twitter officially rolled out its Tailored Audiences product for advertisers in early December. The social network is now using ad partners to share data about how Twitter users behave on third-party websites.

Tailored Audiences is a retargeting program that allows a business to show a promoted Tweet to users who have already expressed an interest in its brand. For example, your firm may wish to target individuals who have recently visited your...

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Google tweaks Authorship algorithm to display fewer author results

Google tweaks Authorship algorithm to display fewer author results

Google's Matt Cutts indicated last fall that Google would be reducing the rate at which authorship appears in search results in an effort to combat spam. In his keynote address at Pubcon Las Vegas, Cutts said that eliminating roughly 15 percent of the lower-quality authors could significantly increase the number of high-quality authors who are able to appear in results.

Until December's update, Google displayed all authorship information in results whenever it was available. If you linked your site to...

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Old fashioned branding is the new SEO

Old fashioned branding is the new SEO

For many years, it was easy for a search engine optimization company to con unsuspecting clients by claiming to have a magic bullet – a secret method that would propel any website straight to a page one ranking. Search was shrouded in a cloud of mystique upon which unethical companies could capitalize.

Since being ranked highly translates to profitability, businesses had an obvious incentive to try to game the system. Small companies in particular saw an easy way...

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Think beyond text on a webpage for your content marketing

beyond textContent marketing will continue to get a lot of attention as websites adjust to Google's new Hummingbird algorithm, which was quietly rolled out in August and formally announced at the end of September. This release is the first entirely new rewrite of the company's algorithm since 2001, and it changes the way Google looks at keywords. Hummingbird is a move toward a more contextual, semantic search; that is, rather...

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Speak to client needs by turning features into benefits

benefitsAttorney marketing is tricky in many ways. You must sell a service that only a certain percentage of the population will ever need, and you do not have the same ability to manufacture demand as large retail companies like Nike or Apple. Attorneys are also restricted in many different ways by a variety of recommendations unique to each state bar's interpretation of best marketing practices. Lawyers must even approach marketing...

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7 Ways to Enhance Your Local Search Marketing Efforts

localWith the release of Penguin 2.0 in May, Google made it apparent that, among other things, a business's location would play a little more heavily in search results. You may have noticed over the last few months that businesses near you are getting preferential placement in results for non-geo-specific terms like “sushi” or “veterinarian.” Your firm can take advantage of this development by adding a targeted local strategy to your...

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