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Google My Business Adds a New Feature for Posting Positive Reviews on your Law Firm's Listing

Google My Business Adds a New Feature for Posting Positive Reviews on your Law Firm’s Listing

In mid-April, Google announced it was adding a new feature that lets you post auto suggested positive reviews from customer testimonials. The suggestions, to post positive reviews on your website, may pop up when you sign into Google My Business (GMB) or you may get it via email. Either way, it may be a bonus for your law firm to post positive reviews to attract more business.

The posts are sent to you when they are automatically triggered following a 4- or 5-star review of your legal services. What’s more you get to edit and review the post prior to publishing it. The posts are live on search for 7 days (by default) once published and may be set to be visible for up to 14 days. You will want to check every week for new positive reviews and promptly use them.

Consider this as well – posts may include a call to action, strategically placed when you share your good reviews. Once you get your review edited and ready for posting, add a call to action and link it to your specific legal service page. Another feature that may come in handy for a law firm is that the positive reviews may also be shown on Maps and in search results. Bonus – positive free advertising. What law firm or business owner can turn that down?

This latest addition to Google’s arsenal of tools to help business owners is rolling out in some countries, but they have not as yet identified which ones. So, you may or may not be able to try this latest addition to help you promote your business depending on where you live.

Another great feature included in the new offering is the ability to include up to ten images and videos. By adding more content to a review with images and videos, it makes what you do and who you are even more appealing and relevant. This could be some of the best quick advertising you could possibly utilize to showcase a lawyer, your firm or a particular service.

Keep an eye out for it – Google My Business may just be a game changer when it comes to converting new clients for your law firm.

Kerrie Spencer is a content developer for law firms at Custom Legal Marketing.