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Google Can Now Identify Paragraphs on Web Pages For Specific Searches, and Other Must-Reads

Google Can Now Identify Paragraphs on Web Pages For Specific Searches, and Other Must-Reads

Google Confirms It Doesn’t Index Passages Separately (Search Engine Land)

Recently Google shared how individual passages of a webpage will soon be identified to better understand how relevancy between a page and a particular search. If you're worried that this meant you have to index passages separately, Google clarified in a Tweet that this will not be the case.

6 Ways To Improve Your Remote...

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Google My Business Is Publishing Reviews Again

Google My Business Is Publishing Reviews Again

Google had shifted most of their Google My Business Resources to ensuring that listings had up-to-date resources to help businesses communicate with their clients during COVID-19 shutdowns. During this time, we advised our clients to not reach out to their clients and request reviews since there was no certainty that those reviews would be posted.

Over the last 3 weeks, we have seen pre-shutdown reviews get posted to law firms’ Google My Business listings and...

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Google My Business Pauses Reviews During COVID-19 Crisis

Google My Business Pauses Reviews During COVID-19 Crisis

Google has publicly stated that they’re adopting measures to reduce the amount of time their team members are required to be in their offices. What does that mean for Google My Business and your law firm?

Well, for now, Google is prioritizing reporting accurate information regarding offices being open and hours being correct. Since many updates to your law firm’s Google My Business listing are subject to manual review by a Google team member, reviewing a flood of changes across...

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Google My Business Adds a New Feature for Posting Positive Reviews on your Law Firm's Listing

Google My Business Adds a New Feature for Posting Positive Reviews on your Law Firm’s Listing

In mid-April, Google announced it was adding a new feature that lets you post auto suggested positive reviews from customer testimonials. The suggestions, to post positive reviews on your website, may pop up when you sign into Google My Business (GMB) or you may get it via email. Either way, it may be a bonus for your law firm to post positive reviews to attract more business.

The posts are sent to you when they are automatically triggered...

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