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How Systemic Racism Affects The Legal Industry, And Other Essential Reads

How Systemic Racism Affects The Legal Industry, And Other Essential Reads

The past weeks have seen tremendous challenges reach a boiling point in the U.S. Amidst racism, police brutality, and a global pandemic, lawyers have much to consider in the ways they decide to run their law firms. We’ve selected some essential reads to help lawyers both address their concerns about the state of the world, while continuing to effectively manage their firm.

A Conversation with Raphael Davis Williams (Clio)
Clio sits down with director of Equity and Inclusion for the ACLU of Ohio, Raphael Davis Williams, to discuss the current events that escalated the need for protests on behalf of Black lives, and how systemic racism affects the legal industry in the United States. Listen to this podcast or read the full transcription to hear an important perspective.

A process to keep your remote team operating at peak (Attorney at Work)
If running your remote team was harder than expected, maybe some tech tips can help heal those hiccups. Technology can do more than just help keep files organized and communication streamlined, but can help support a collaborative culture. These are tools and methods that will help, pandemic or not

Beginning content creation tips for law firms creating a compelling attorney bio (LawLytics)
Attorney bios are the most highly visited pages on law firm websites. It makes sense. People want to know who you are. They’re looking for a human connection. But often, attorney bios come off as overly stuffy or formal, which leaves an unmemorable first impression. Read on to discover some great tips for creating a bio that will actually compel prospective clients to call you.

The controversial link-building practice that google will not penalize your law firm for using (Bigger Law Firm)
Taking a loud stand on a hot button issue might feel risky. You don’t want to keep certain audiences from engaging with you. But more and more, consumers are making choices based on the brands’ moral or political stances. Voicing your views might be a brilliant link-building strategy.

In Case You Missed It…

How your law firm can support your community during the coronavirus crisis (Custom Legal Marketing)
As the pandemic continues affecting us, it’s important for lawyers to continue supporting their communities. Being uniquely positioned as leaders at this time means your community is counting on you to answer difficult questions. Continue being a resource by doing these 5 things.

Cristina Fríes is a MA in English/Creative Writing from UC Davis (2019), and is a legal marketing strategist and content developer for CLM. Her interests include creating compelling marketing content, writing books, and traveling the world.