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How Systemic Racism Affects The Legal Industry, And Other Essential Reads

How Systemic Racism Affects The Legal Industry, And Other Essential Reads

The past weeks have seen tremendous challenges reach a boiling point in the U.S. Amidst racism, police brutality, and a global pandemic, lawyers have much to consider in the ways they decide to run their law firms. We’ve selected some essential reads to help lawyers both address their concerns about the state of the world, while continuing to effectively manage their firm.

A Conversation with Raphael Davis Williams (Clio)
Clio sits down with director of Equity...

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Dump these five overused legal marketing phrases

Dump these five overused legal marketing phrases

Lawyers must communicate with a diverse array of people in order to run a successful practice. Each audience, from judges to colleagues to prospective clients, has a different perspective, and attorneys must tailor their language accordingly when speaking to these different groups.

Marketing language is often more casual and conversational than other types of speech attorneys may use. Marketing language should build trust and create connections, a task that is difficult to manage through jargon and formality.

In addition to...

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9 characteristics of a good attorney website

9 characteristics of a good attorney website

The qualities of a good attorney website have changed considerably over the past several years. Infrequently updated, brochure style websites no longer meet the needs of firms that wish to pursue an integrated on- and offline marketing strategy. Websites must be designed to keep visitors interested. They should contain current, relevant content and give users plenty of opportunity to take actions that generate leads for the firm.

Having a website is the bare minimum. A thoughtfully developed website that...

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How to gain and maintain trust in your firm's website

How to gain and maintain trust in your firm’s website

Errors and content inaccuracies are the top reasons people list as causes to mistrust a website. According to a report from Neustar and the Ponemon Institute, 91 percent of consumers claim they do not trust a website that contains mistakes.

Respondents cited frequent downtime as their second biggest concern, with 88 percent saying that they do not trust a website that is unavailable. Load time can also be a negative trust factor, with 67 percent of respondents saying...

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Make your website visitors feel welcome

Make your website visitors feel welcome

Many people view the prospect of hiring an attorney with some trepidation. They may fear the process or the outcome, or they may be under stress due to their situation, causing them to feel a general anxiety about the whole system.

Text filled with legalese surrounded by hackneyed attorney symbolism does not provide a warm welcome. Most people want to be in a courtroom about as much as they want to visit a doctor, so try to steer them...

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Top 9 attorney website must haves

Top 9 attorney website must haves

Your firm's website is working for you day and night, whether you are in or out of the office. It is many people's introduction to your firm and the only interaction they may have with you before deciding whether to call. You must get visitors' attention, and you must get it quickly.

Your website's design should support your firm's overall image and goals, and while each attorney website will be unique to the individual firm's voice and message,...

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6 tips for writing successful attorney bios and about pages

6 tips for writing successful attorney bios and about pages

Attorney bios and about pages are underutilized resources. A website's home page and a firm's practice area offerings understandably receive a lot of attention. Such landing pages are a priority since they are in many cases the first page a visitor will see. However, attorney bios and about pages offer an opportunity for both individual lawyers and the firm as a whole to provide visitors with memorable reasons to become clients.

Analytics show that attorney bios are some of...

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Getting personal leads to getting new cases

People hire you to handle their legal matters. They don't hire logos, DIY legal document services, they hire you - your experience, your credentials, maybe even the style of your hair. Whatever it is, you are who they are contacting.

You need...

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Attorney Bios are an Important Lawyer Website Marketing Tool

Attorney bio pages on a law firm website are the pages most frequently visited by prospective clients. Bio pages can see up to twice the traffic of even a firm’s home page. Clearly they are important. Attorneys should take advantage of the exposure their bio pages receive by focusing on design and content that will engage visitors and generate leads.

Think of your attorney bio pages as an online extension of your office. You are inviting people in to...

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