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SEO Experts Share Their Link-Building Wisdom, and Other Must-Reads

SEO Experts Share Their Link-Building Wisdom, and Other Must-Reads

Controversial Link Building Questions Answered By Expert SEO Women (Search Engine Journal)

In this Search Engine Journal article, nine link building pros were asked to share their experiences on some of the most controversial issues in their area of expertise. Read to find out more.

Improving Brand Reputation Using Google Knowledge Panel (Yaagneshwaran Ganesh)

This Google feature is meant to help get clients quick snapshots of verified information on you and your law...

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How Systemic Racism Affects The Legal Industry, And Other Essential Reads

How Systemic Racism Affects The Legal Industry, And Other Essential Reads

The past weeks have seen tremendous challenges reach a boiling point in the U.S. Amidst racism, police brutality, and a global pandemic, lawyers have much to consider in the ways they decide to run their law firms. We’ve selected some essential reads to help lawyers both address their concerns about the state of the world, while continuing to effectively manage their firm.

A Conversation with Raphael Davis Williams (Clio)
Clio sits down with director of Equity...

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How Local Events and Sponsorships Can Power Link Building

How Local Events and Sponsorships Can Power Link Building

One of the primary reasons why successful law firms attend and sponsor local events is to generate publicity. Years ago, publicity was mostly spread through word of mouth alone, however, in the Information Age brand exposure is most efficiently developed through a holistic online marketing strategy. A holistic online marketing strategy is multi-faceted and should be customized to the unique needs of a company, however, most marketing strategies include content marketing, Read More

Link building for law firms: tips for creating linkable content

Link building for law firms: tips for creating linkable content

Link building is still a valid and essential marketing tool, despite the bad reputation it has earned over the past several years. Although cries of "link building is dead" have rung out across the SEO community since the first Penguin update in 2012, links, and therefore the need for link building, are still very much alive. According to Moz's Search Engine Ranking Factors 2015 report, domain level link features and page level link features place first and...

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7 Search Marketing Myths Your Firm Should Forget in 2015

7 Search Marketing Myths Your Firm Should Forget in 2015

Google is constantly tweaking its algorithm in an effort to deliver the best information to its users. Big releases like Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird and Pigeon combine with smaller daily and weekly updates to create an environment in which search marketing tactics must continuously adjust. Some methods have remained relatively solid over the years, while others, like keyword stuffing and search engine submission, became obsolete long ago.

What are some common search marketing myths? What tactics can your firm drop in...

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How to avoid content bloat

How to avoid content bloat

Content bloat occurs when a website contains too many pages that have no independent, singular value. A large site is fine — even positive in some cases — but a large site with multiple pages containing very similar information may be suffering from content bloat. This phenomenon is a holdover from earlier days of search marketing when building a page for every possible search term with more attention to quantity than quality was effective.

If you are writing thin...

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15 Smart Marketing Tips for 2015

15 Smart Marketing Tips for 2015

What will 2015 have in store for your law firm? Growth and success (mixed with the right amount of positive change)? Firms can act proactively to make this happen. Take advantage of a time of reflection and renewed energy to evaluate long- and short-term goals and the systems in place to help achieve them. Here are 15 marketing tips to help your firm get a strong start in 2015.

1. (Re)focus on user experience. Websites are living creations....

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How to build good links: seek out quality links that make sense

How to build good links: seek out quality links that make sense

Links have always been an important factor in Google's algorithm. One of Google's original innovations, which distinguished it from other search engines in the 1990s, was associating the text of a link with both the page the link is on and the page to which it links. The relationship between the two pages was unique at the time; most search engines only associated the text of the link with the page it was on.

An original abstract...

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