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How to Make Your Firm's Workplace More Inclusive During COVID-19, And Other Must Reads

How to Make Your Firm’s Workplace More Inclusive During COVID-19, And Other Must Reads

Creating Inclusive Legal Industry Workplaces in COVID-19 (Law Practice Today)
Creating an inclusive work environment during a global pandemic while your entire staff is working remotely definitely has its challenges. Here are some top tips that can help your law firm create successful pathways to healthy work environments that allows for better inclusivity and communication amongst your law firm staff.

Multilingual Law Firm Websites and SEO Best Practices (Lawlytics)
For law firms that want to attract clients who speak different languages in their local markets, creating a marketing and SEO strategy that highlights your law firms multilingual capabilities is a must. This article provides some tips that you can adopt into your law firm marketing.

A Law Firm Client Service Guide: Lessons From 5-Star Hotels (Clio)
Just like the hospitality industry, law firms aim to provide excellent client service. Here are some client-centered approaches that could elevate your clients' experience with your law firm.

Legal Marketing Tips: Five Lessons From the World of Journalism (Answering Legal)
There are a lot of skill sets needed for both journalism and legal marketing that overlap. This article goes in depth into journalistic practices you can adopt into your legal marketing strategy.

Optimize for the Human: Understanding Google BERT (Bigger Law Firm)
Google's latest attempt to better understand search queries is its most important algorithm update in years. Learn how this update can impact your law firm SEO strategy.

In cased you missed it:

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Optimize Your Content to Be Shared and Seen By Your Future Clients
Creating high-quality content is an important part of any marketing plan, but you will only get results if your content is able to be seen by potential clients. Here is what you can do to help maximize exposure for your content.

Jessylyn Los Banos is a content developer for law firms at Custom Legal Marketing.