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The Evidence COVID-19 Has Altered The Legal Industry, And Other Must-Reads

The Evidence COVID-19 Has Altered The Legal Industry, And Other Must-Reads

Covid-19 Is Transforming The Legal Industry: Macro and Micro Evidence (Forbes)

"The legal industry’s lawyer-centric, artisanal profile is morphing into a multidisciplinary, digital one that is more closely aligned with business." In this Forbes article, Mark A. Cohen describes the macro and micro trends in the legal industry as a result from COVID-accelerated change.

Law Practice Management: An In-Depth Discussion On The Business Side of Running A Firm With Attorney Mike Morse (Answering Legal)

This interview, Attorney Mike Morse talks about the business aspects of running a law firm and the importance of "fireproofing" your law firm business.

Your All-Access Guide To Improving Your Google Search Visibility (Search Engine Land)

This Search Engine Land article goes into depth on the different factors that play into your law firm's search visibility, including convenience, personalization and local marketing tactics.

10 Trends That Will Shape The Legal Industry In 2020 (Veritext)

2020 has proven to be a year of change and adaptability. Veritext lists 10 trends that could further influence and transform the legal industry.

Create A More Compelling "About" Page To Drive Traffic And Convert Leads (Bigger Law Firm)

The "About" page of your firm's website is a crucial entity-optimization asset. The time spent to create a well-crafted "About" page can leave a positive and lasting impression on potential and current clients and improve your authority on search engines like Google.

In Case You Missed It

Stranded Website Visitro
How To Keep Website Visitors Happy and Engaged By Understanding Their Expectations

Learn why it's important your website tells a story, not just your firms, but your users. Your clients have a problem, your website is how they get to their solution.

Jessylyn Los Banos is a content developer for law firms at Custom Legal Marketing.