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How to Create a Successful Pro Bono Program For Your Law Firm, and Other Must-Reads

How to Create a Successful Pro Bono Program For Your Law Firm, and Other Must-Reads

Pro Bono Service Recognition Programs: Best Practices and Common Pitfalls (Law Practice Today)

Is your law firm considering implementing your own pro bono program? This article provides some best practices on creating and maintaining effective volunteer programs.

"In communities across the country, countless pro bono programs offer a wide variety of pro bono opportunities to lawyers. The pro bono programs that enjoy long-term success, in most cases, have figured out how to effectively recognize and show appreciation to their volunteers....

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Google Can Now Identify Paragraphs on Web Pages For Specific Searches, and Other Must-Reads

Google Can Now Identify Paragraphs on Web Pages For Specific Searches, and Other Must-Reads

Google Confirms It Doesn’t Index Passages Separately (Search Engine Land)

Recently Google shared how individual passages of a webpage will soon be identified to better understand how relevancy between a page and a particular search. If you're worried that this meant you have to index passages separately, Google clarified in a Tweet that this will not be the case.

6 Ways To Improve Your Remote...

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The Evidence COVID-19 Has Altered The Legal Industry, And Other Must-Reads

The Evidence COVID-19 Has Altered The Legal Industry, And Other Must-Reads

Covid-19 Is Transforming The Legal Industry: Macro and Micro Evidence (Forbes)

"The legal industry’s lawyer-centric, artisanal profile is morphing into a multidisciplinary, digital one that is more closely aligned with business." In this Forbes article, Mark A. Cohen describes the macro and micro trends in the legal industry as a result from COVID-accelerated change.

Law Practice Management: An In-Depth Discussion On The Business Side of Running A Firm With...

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