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Improve Your Law Firm's SEO by Making Short Content Long-Form Content

Improve Your Law Firm’s SEO by Making Short Content Long-Form Content

In the ever-changing world of law firm marketing and search engine optimization (SEO), relatively short and weak pages generally cause more harm than good for website owners. That is especially true in the legal world, where current and prospective clients are looking for more information via long-form content. Long-form content consists of extensive print media combined with photos, graphics, videos and other complementary multi-media content.

The idea is to create a unique user experience, while providing...

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How to repurpose webinars for maximum marketing impact

How to repurpose webinars for maximum marketing impact

Webinars are an often underutilized attorney marketing resource. From a purely digital standpoint, webinars are valuable SEO and content marketing tools. According to a Content Marketing Institute Link Building Survey, webinars are one of the top five types of content that are most likely to naturally acquire links to your website. From a client acquisition perspective, webinars can help position your firm as a trusted resource, open the door for future dialogue, and ultimately generate leads...

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Highlights from the Moz 2017 Local Search Ranking Factors Survey

Highlights from the Moz 2017 Local Search Ranking Factors Survey

Moz released the results of its 2017 Local Ranking Factors Survey at the beginning of the week. The survey contains insights from over three dozen SEO industry experts about what it takes to make it to the local map pack and rank well in organic search.

Participants were asked to rate a number of local signals from the physical location of a business to the volume of quality content on an entire website, and over 100 other...

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In Search of the Missing Links: How 30,000 links were lost then found.

In Search of the Missing Links: How 30,000 links were lost then found.

When a client with a robust link portfolio and growing rankings informed me that their links had disappeared, I almost dismissed it as another Google Search Console error.

The law firm's link portfolio has more than 30,000 links from about 400 domain names. Google Search Console generally reports about 350 of those linking domains.

They can also expect about 1,000 clicks each month to be reported in Search Console. You can understand why they were concerned when they logged...

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Content marketing and link building: use both to fulfill different goals

Content marketing and link building: use both to fulfill different goals

After Google released the first version of its Penguin algorithm update in 2012, sites that had been practicing successful — but spammy — link-building tactics saw drastic ranking declines.

The depth and breadth of the post-Penguin fallout caused many to shy away from link building. Even though links were still being used to help determine search placement, the cost of being punished for an error was perceived as too high. And Google was hinting strongly that it was trying...

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