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Six ways to enhance your firm's responsive website performance

Six ways to enhance your firm’s responsive website performance

Mobile devices have forced designers and developers to rethink how they approach building webpages. Smaller screens demand layouts that are lean, simple and scalable. Designers must identify the most critical content first and design around that content. This changes the way pages are created for all screen sizes, encouraging more streamlined experiences from mobile to desktop.

Today, over half of all digital media consumption is done on tablets or smartphones.

People expect seamless transitions as they access websites across a variety...

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Is your firm ready for Google's mobile-first index?

Is your firm ready for Google’s mobile-first index?

Google is rolling out a new mobile-first index over the coming months. The official announcement came at the beginning of November on Google's Webmaster Central Blog, although industry insiders have been speculating about the change for over a year. Google says that it is testing the mobile-first index, with the goal of switching to an index that uses the mobile version of a page’s content to serve all results. The process is still in an experimental phase,...

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Insights from BrightLocal's 2016 Local Consumer Review Survey

Insights from BrightLocal’s 2016 Local Consumer Review Survey

For six years, BrightLocal has been surveying consumers to better understand how they evaluate local businesses and make purchasing decisions. This year's survey assesses how consumers interpret and use online reviews to come to conclusions about businesses. Key findings show that people form opinions very quickly and that online reviews play an important role in developing these views.

Why are reviews important?

Online reviews are a form of social proof. A consumer searching for a service can...

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5 tips for writing effective practice area page content

5 tips for writing effective practice area page content

Your practice area pages have a lot of heavy lifting to do. A practice area page may be the first and only page a visitor sees on your website. It should be informative, interesting and speak to the concerns of your potential clients. It should hold readers' attention. And a good practice area page should also convert readers into leads and clients.

Know the purpose of your practice area pages

Practice area pages do more than just tell visitors what...

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5 ways to beat boring website copy

5 ways to beat boring website copy

Law firm marketing content does not have to be dull. Certainly, producing dry, stock legal marketing copy is easy — just look at almost any website or brochure, take a couple of notes and copy like a robot. Explain that the law is complex, say a few things about how only an experienced lawyer can help, drop in a couple of keywords and there you have it. It almost writes itself. But this type of content will not impress...

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4 long-form page examples for attorneys

4 long-form page examples for attorneys

Long-form pages are becoming increasingly popular among web users. But it's not just humans who like them; Google also rewards this media-rich content. We will explain why in a moment.

What is long-form content?
A long-form page consists of in-depth copy paired with other forms of media. While a standard article may include a picture with some text, long-form content integrates graphics and other forms of media to tell a story.

Another characteristic of long-form pages is (as the name implies)...

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Google updates its mobile algorithm: how your firm can stay on top

Google updates its mobile algorithm: how your firm can stay on top

In February of 2015, Google made waves in the SEO community by announcing a major algorithm update before rolling it out. The change, which went into effect two months later in April, expanded Google's use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. The ensuing rankings shake-up, hyperbolically dubbed “Mobilegeddon,” did push website owners to make significant changes. According to Smashing Magazine, eight months after the event, 25 percent of websites that were not previously mobile-friendly had made the...

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5 strategies for writing better blog titles

5 strategies for writing better blog titles

While the quality of the content and writing itself is essential in the creation of a great blog, your efforts may go unnoticed if it lacks an effective title.

Because the internet is wrought with the noise of so many other articles and posts vying for attention, readers have been taught to filter through search results and ignore those that simply fade into the background because they fail to catch their eye. Unfortunately, those users will likely...

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5 ways lawyers can boost their call to action performance

5 ways lawyers can boost their call to action performance

A call to action (CTA) is any element on a website that encourages visitors to take an action. Usually, a CTA comes in the form of a button or the combination of a button and a line of text. Calls to action can also be textual links, although this treatment should be used judiciously since text does not stand out as well on a page as a graphic or button. The most common CTAs on attorney websites are invitations...

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