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Fifteen Phrases You Can Drop (and not lose any meaning)

best practiceGood writing is essential to your ability to communicate with clients, judges, colleagues, and those who read your blogs and social media posts (whom you hope to convert to clients at some point). Whether you are putting together formal articles and briefs or sending a quick email response, your writing can confirm that you are a professional adult... or tell a different story.

Even the best of us...

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Eight ways to come up with new ideas for your lawyer blog

blog ideasIf you blog or write articles on a regular basis, you will inevitably face times during which you believe there is simply no way you can come up with another interesting topic. The blank page stares at you, taunting and mocking. Everything that can be written about has already been done.

Generating a regular flow of informative posts is difficult, but it is a necessity for...

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Content’s New Role in Law Firm Marketing

There is a growing misconception in the legal marketing industry that social networks are becoming more important than creating new content. However, this is not the case at all. Social networks are powered by content.

What is changing is the content itself. Whereas the online marketing strategies of the past involved producing a lot of long, extensive articles and content pieces, the new law firm marketing strategy is about more, shorter pieces of content. But this presents challenges of...

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Law Firm Marketing By Design for Different Practice Areas – Part II

We recently covered design and color schemes for divorce lawyer, personal injury lawyers, and bankruptcy lawyers. This week, we wrap up our two-part series with immigration, criminal defense, employment, and estate planning lawyers.

Immigration Lawyers
Whereas many areas of the law should project a compassionate image, immigration lawyers can be less fluffy and more inspiring. A design that instills hope will best communicate with their target market. It would be completely inappropriate to stand in a dark room, looking tough, arms...

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Law Firm Marketing By Design for Different Practice Areas – Part I

There is a difference between web design and web development. The design is the style, layout, graphics, and more. Development is when the design meets programming with content integration and page building. In this section, we will focus on the design.

A website is much like a work of art. It needs to say something to the visitor before they read it. Communication through design is why it is vital to have a professional website. Your website’s color schemes, graphics,...

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Lead Funnels and Conversion Friendly Design are a Must for Legal Websites – Podcast

Conversion friendly design is a must for a legal website. Law firm websites need to serve two audiences: readers who want quality content and those who want to connect with a lawyer right now. Learn how to create a lead funnel and design for quick conversion to create a bigger law firm.

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Law Firm Newswire Drives More Traffic to Sites Than Lawyer Directories – Podcast

Law firms that want to build their businesses can find out more about how Law Firm Newswire refers more traffic to lawyers' websites than the online yellow pages,, and other legal directories. Attorneys that publish their news on Law Firm Newswire receive hundreds of site visits and the potential to earn more clients.

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Law Firm Marketing with Short Content

At the center of every online law firm marketing campaign is content. Whether it is content on your website, blog entries, or distributed content like press releases or articles, what gets your firm attention is valuable content.

As users turn to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Google Plus, we see an obvious trend change regarding what people like and what gets them to “like” or “+1” your firm. People like brevity.

From short Tweets to brief blog entires, content that...

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Act Social to Grow Your Firm

It is important to make the distinction between thinking social and acting social. Just being on a social network is about as useful as just having a website. The key to success is having an active presence on the social networks to market your firm.

In this month's issue of the Bigger Law Firm magazine, they talk about Google Plus and how to utilize Google's new social network to grow your firm. You can pick up an issue at...

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Marketing the Modern Elder Law Firm

It is an exciting time to be an elder law and estate planning attorney. Your target audience is larger than they have ever been and they are getting more technologically savvy. This means you can reach out to them in a number of different ways that are relatively inexpensive compared to traditional television and print advertisements.

The modern elder law firm needs to be focused on education. A lot of people hear about “elder law” or talk with their friends...

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