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Explore the possibilities of interactive website design

fffStatic brochure websites are quickly becoming a thing of the past. People now expect frequently updated, current content and interactive design elements, even from an attorney website. Dated sites with links to old articles from your law school days do not connect with potential clients. As attorneys, you have a wealth of knowledge built from years of experience that you can harness to speak directly...

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Use design for inspiration not duplication

fishGreat web design is many things, but above all it is functional. One of the first lessons new designers learn after they have left the cocoon of the classroom is that no matter how pretty their work may be, clients are only happy if it accomplishes certain objectives. In terms of law firm website design, this means turning visitors into prospects and prospects into clients. Attorney websites must convert.

Because of the need...

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Attorney website content planning

wordsWriting good web content is a distinct skill. The style of web content is very different from that of traditional articles, and it is not something with which most attorneys have a lot of practice. Website copy must be written for a target audience of both clients and search engines. It must be informative and engaging. It must connect with visitors. At the same time,...

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Thinking About a New Website? Define Your Goals From the Start.

option9 sm newIf your firm is considering developing a new website or undertaking a website redesign, now is the best time to define your strategy. Before diving in, stop to consider what you want your website to do for your firm - how you want it to work for you. It is easy for a law firm website to suffer from information spread. But attempting to sell a...

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Ranking Your Law Firm Higher With Google’s Plus 1

Last week, Google introduced a new change to their search engine results. By taking pages, images, and news that people in your Plus 1 network liked and items you liked, they modify the search results by placing websites liked by your friends higher.

You may not have remembered signing up for a Plus 1 account but if you have a Gmail account, you probably have activated Plus 1.

Let's use an example to show you how this can improve your...

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Repair or Replace Your Law Firm’s Website

A lot of law firms are frustrated when they find out that the website they just built cannot be optimized. It seems as if the time and money that was put into the site was all for nothing.

Sometimes it is better (and costs less money) to start over with a new website that is built by the same company that is going to market it. However, if you have the right elements in place, you might be able ...

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Autumn is the Best Time to Upgrade Your Legal Marketing

As the humidity vanishes from the air and the leaves begin to change, lawyers should also look at their legal marketing strategy. What you do in the next three months can lay the foundation for a stronger 2012 with a fresh marketing plan.

A strong marketing strategy will more than likely begin with a new website. A custom or semi-custom website has a month or so of development time required before launching. This means that if you want to see...

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