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Repair or Replace Your Law Firm’s Website

A lot of law firms are frustrated when they find out that the website they just built cannot be optimized. It seems as if the time and money that was put into the site was all for nothing.

Sometimes it is better (and costs less money) to start over with a new website that is built by the same company that is going to market it. However, if you have the right elements in place, you might be able to keep the website you have and move forward with a powerful search engine marketing plan.

Content Management System – Does your current website give you the ability to login and make minor changes yourself? Is it easy to do and easy to train staff members on how to use? If not, you might be able to keep your design but simply have it converted to a friendly, content management system.

Dinosaur or Dynamic – If your law firm's website is flat, narrow, and from the early 2000s, you will need to get a new design. People expect more out of websites than they did 5-10 years ago. They like wide pages, simplified navigation at the top, heavy graphics in the top half, and content at the bottom. They want easy access to contact methods and links to social networking profiles. If your website is a dinosaur, keep the valuable, aged domain name but give the website a modern face-lift.

Conversion is Key – Ultimately what really matters is how your website is converting visitors to contacts. If you are getting visitors without phone calls or contact requests, it is time to design with conversion in mind. Placement of key elements and intuitive navigation can change the way your website looks and the way it works for your firm. Good design helps convert web traffic to new clients.

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