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How to Write PPC Ads That Convert

How to Write PPC Ads That Convert

Google Ads -- those little banners that appear at the top of Google searches -- wield a lot of power. There are only three possible outcomes. 1. Someone searching for a lawyer in your area sees your Ad, clicks, and converts. 2. Someone clicks, but doesn’t convert. Or 3. Even if your Ad appears near the top of their search, a potential client might read it with glazed-over eyes. The copy doesn’t stand out, and it doesn’t speak to...

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Call Only Ads are a Must Have for Law Firms

google_call_onlyGoogle Adwords offers a mobile ad option that instigates a call when someone selects your ad (rather than a click taking the user to a designated web address). This option is called “Call-Only”. In an industry where people are more likely to dial than fill out a form, your campaign is incomplete without a call-only ad.

Google Adwords allows advertisers to create ad groups that are targeted to different platforms....

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3 Steps to a Bigger Law Firm in 2012

A new year is upon us and it is time to start working on your law firm’s growth for 2012. If you are not doing these three things, now is the time to start.

1) Start Spreading the News – A monthly press release routine keeps your firm in the spotlight, creates inbound links that help with search engine optimization, and delivers web traffic. Comment on events and legislation related to your practice area. Host seminars and send out press...

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