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3 Steps to a Bigger Law Firm in 2012

A new year is upon us and it is time to start working on your law firm’s growth for 2012. If you are not doing these three things, now is the time to start.

1) Start Spreading the News – A monthly press release routine keeps your firm in the spotlight, creates inbound links that help with search engine optimization, and delivers web traffic. Comment on events and legislation related to your practice area. Host seminars and send out press releases about them. Press releases drive traffic immediately after they go live. Having a monthly press release routine is a great way to build a bigger law firm in 2012.

2) Update Your Brand – Law firms that have been around for a while are established and well known in their community and legal fields. Unfortunately, established firms may become such permanent fixtures that they appear stale to prospective clients. With a detail-oriented eye and expertise, a lawyer-branding specialist can give your firm a fresh new look while maintaining the notoriety of the firm’s established presence. Rebranding motivates your staff, associates, partners, and also draws attention from prospective clients. For firms that have clients on retainer, a fresh new look tells your existing clients that you are growing, evolving, and prepared to take on the challenges of the future. A fresh new look is a great way to build a bigger law firm in 2012.

3) Follow Your Visitors – When someone visits your website and does not call your firm or fill out a contact form, find out who they are, get in your car, and follow them around. Well, you can’t actually do that and your state bar probably prohibits such a thing. However, Google can do it for you with remarketing. This product is a Pay Per Click service that can accelerate your website’s conversion and work with your search engine optimization campaign.

Here is how remarketing works:

  • 1) A code is placed on every page of your website.
  • 2) Someone does a search, sees an ad, reads a press release, or goes directly to your website. When they do, a cookie is placed on their computer from Google.
  • 3) When this visitor leaves your website, Google will display advertisements for your law firm when that visitor is on a third party website that displays Google Ads. They could be reading a story on their local newspaper, The New York Times, a blog, checking their Gmail account, or visiting any of the millions of websites in Google’s Adsense network.
  • Your banner follows them around for a period of time determined by you (1 day to 500 days) and can dramatically improve your website’s conversion. Plus, it makes your firm look huge! After all, to your former visitor it appears as though you are advertising everywhere.

    These three law firm marketing tips can make 2012 the year you build a bigger law firm!

    Let's start out 2012 with a plan to build a bigger law firm...yours.

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    To learn more about legal marketing, law firm marketing, lawyer marketing, law firm marketing plans, and attorney websites visit or call 1.800.728.5306.

    Other Resources: Find a Lawyer | The Bigger Lawyer Social Network | Legal News | Attorney Press Release Distribution