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Is Stock Photography Bad For Law Firm’s SEO?

Is Stock Photography Bad For Law Firm’s SEO?

There was once a time that stock photography was all the rage. It was handy, not expensive or sometimes free, did the job and looked pretty good. Or did it? That’s the latest issue, whether or not stock photography is bad for a law firm’s SEO. While still useful, to a certain extent, using stock photography just does not function in the way it should when it comes to providing a personal touch to your...

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Worth 1000: Is your photography supporting your firm's voice?

Worth 1000: Is your photography supporting your firm’s voice?

If your law firm's name was not mentioned somewhere in your articles, on your website or on your advertisements, could people identify the material as coming from you? If a potential client came across one of your Facebook posts and one of your SlideShare presentations, would he or she recognize that each was produced by the same entity? If you met in person, would that encounter reflect the experiences that individual has already had with your firm online?

Hopefully, the...

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Marketing and the Brain - Part 1 of 3

Marketing and the Brain – Part 1 of 3

Visual input

How does your brain perceive a logo? How does copywriting play to the brain’s impulses? What role do emotions play in our decision-making?

Understanding the role of the brain’s cognitive biases and tendencies in the marketing process is essential to converting more leads. The way our brains are wired to respond to marketing features is simpler than you may think. In fact, while each mind is unique, we often respond in predictable ways.

In this three-part blog series, we’ll cover...

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Are your pictures memorable? Science has the answer

Are your pictures memorable? Science has the answer

Researchers at MIT have developed an algorithm that can identify how memorable or forgettable an image will be to humans. The algorithm, also known as MemNet, performs almost as well as a real human at predicting a photograph's memorability. The algorithm was developed by researchers from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).

How does it work?

People were shown a series of hundreds of photos, some of which were repeated. They were asked to press...

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Trending: 5 web design practices that have outlived their usefulness

Trending: 5 web design practices that have outlived their usefulness

Many web design trends catch on for good reason. Innovations allow developers to create visually appealing layouts that serve the best purposes of the site owner and visitors. Beautiful design and function can coexist.

However, trends have a habit of becoming ubiquitous. When industry group-think starts to drive design decisions, it is time to reconsider which trends are actually helping to enhance the user experience. Here are five trends that have outlived their usefulness:

1. Slideshows
Large header...

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6 common attorney website mistakes – and how to fix them

6 common attorney website mistakes – and how to fix them

A website speaks for the firm it represents at all times, day and night. It must be professional, informative and easy to navigate, and it must accurately exemplify the firm's work and values.

Increase your website's performance and enhance your position in the eyes of your visitors by building a site that stands out. Give the people who visit your site a reason to follow through and contact you. Start by avoiding these common attorney website pitfalls....

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How custom photography enhances website design and success rates

How custom photography enhances website design and success rates

Humans are visual creatures; our experiences are heightened and our actions are often driven by our interpretation of the things we see. The right visuals create memories and instill trust in ways that words simply cannot.

Every choice that is made during the design process should support the overall goals of your website, and quality photography enhances the professionalism and effectiveness of the site. Since photography is such an important element, it should be truly unique. Here are some...

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Get more out of your thank you pages

thankyouIn a highly saturated market, firms must pay attention to every piece of their marketing efforts. Small details may be the things that ultimately push people to choose you over the competition.

Convincing a website visitor to contact your firm is just a first step; the ultimate goal is of course to convert that visitor into a client. The more you can personalize their experience and convince them that...

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Attorneys recognize the value of simplicity in design

simpleOne of the more well-documented design trends of this year is a move toward more simple website layouts. Designers are removing clutter, utilizing larger elements, paring down navigation to the essentials and creating user experiences that are less busy and more intuitive. Simplicity is both visually appealing and increasingly necessary as firms strive to make content accessible to the widest audience on the greatest number of devices possible.

An aspect...

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Give great presentations by avoiding these common PowerPoint mistakes

presentationSeminars and presentations can be powerful marketing tools. When your firm hosts an informational seminar, you fill the room with high-value leads – people who have willfully expressed interest in your areas of practice. Since you have a limited amount of time with your audience, you need to provide genuinely helpful materials. And you must make sure your presentation is memorable.

PowerPoint can be a dangerous thing....

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