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Beat the crowd: Tips for rising above the competition in a saturated market

rise aboveThe Am Law Daily announced last week that early numbers show only modest growth for a prestigious group of New York's largest law firms last year. Within the study is the admission from several partners that persistent pressure to lower rates is cutting into profitability, even with a rise in some types of litigation work. The push for firms to lower their rates or pursue alternative billing...

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Avoid these five frightful web design mistakes to maximize usability

pumpkinTricks or treats, which is your website handing out to you? While you are gathering your costume or procuring your candy, your website is still out there, speaking on your behalf and functioning as a brand ambassador twenty-four hours a day. Do you know what it is doing when you are not watching? What it says about you behind your back?

Simply throwing up a static brochure site...

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Content is still king on an attorney website, but pictures are good for sharing

blog picturesThe value of blogging for attorneys lies in creating relevant content. Writing and posting regularly to a blog on your attorney website helps establish you as a trusted resource and creates interest in your work, giving prospects and clients a reason to return to your website and to refer it to others.

Blogging as a part of a law firm marketing strategy does drive traffic. In 2011, Read More

Connect with Clients Through Powerful Pictures and Taglines

Your law firm’s website must capture users’ attention within seconds. Creating compelling photo and headline combinations is one of the more effective ways of drawing users in. A thoughtfully chosen image coupled with a short headline that evokes an emotional response can compel visitors to read more. And the longer prospects stay on your website, the more likely they are to contact your firm.

Copy and photography create something of a chicken and egg scenario in website design....

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Your Law Firm’s Most Memorable Face

Collectively, your logo, business cards, brochures, and website all make up your law firm’s face. Even if you market with pictures of yourself or other attorneys in your firm, your brand is still the face of the firm.

When it comes to design, unless you have a creative background with the technical knowledge to go with it, designing your print collateral is a job best placed in the hands of a professional.

When deciding on your print designs, keep in...

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