Call Only Ads are a Must Have for Law Firms

google_call_onlyGoogle Adwords offers a mobile ad option that instigates a call when someone selects your ad (rather than a click taking the user to a designated web address). This option is called “Call-Only”. In an industry where people are more likely to dial than fill out a form, your campaign is incomplete without a call-only ad.

Google Adwords allows advertisers to create ad groups that are targeted to different platforms....

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Law Firm Marketing Tips: Know Your Online Footprint

footprintAs the trend of eschewing Yellow Pages ads in favor of using technology to attract clients continues, firms will increasingly notice new clients saying, “I found you online.” Generally, if more people are finding your firm online, that is a positive development. The Internet helps level the playing field between large firms with abundant resources, mid-sized firms, and smaller firms who like to focus their practice on a limited...

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A Lawyer Website Design Only Works if Users Know What To Do

Even AT&T knows that consumers are no longer using the Yellow Pages as a primary method to search for professionals. Consumers are searching online, and marketing budgets have adjusted accordingly.

People (and businesses) that need an attorney are increasingly using law firm websites to filter their options before choosing which lawyer to call. A well designed, well populated, website shows off a firm’s professionalism and expertise, which helps establish trust with prospects and existing clients. There is simply no excuse...

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Does Your Law Firm’s Website Really Work?

Many law firms see their website as a necessary expense whether it is just there to service existing clients or bring in new accounts. A law firm's website is necessary. But it should be an asset, not an expense.

Online marketing is unlike any other form of marketing. Television, print, Yellow Pages, radio, they all come down to one thing – getting someone to call your firm. You show the ad, hope that it reaches the right person, and...

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More Traffic than and Yellow Pages

We love marketing law firms, improving brands, and helping you communicate in a way that brings in new clients. But we are also competitive, so when a report is released showing one part of SEO | Law Firm's marketing plan sending more traffic to...

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