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Businesses That Pay More For SEO Are Happier, According to New Report

Businesses That Pay More For SEO Are Happier, According to New Report

Marketing has never been cheap. But fewer items are more important than the one responsible for exposing a brand to new potential customers. For this reason, the U.S. Small Business Association recommends that businesses with less than $5 million in annual sales devote between seven to eight percent of gross revenue to all types of marketing. Of course, this includes online marketingwebsite development, print advertising,  Read More

Developing trustworthiness in a post-truth era

Developing trustworthiness in a post-truth era

Most people know that false information runs free on the internet. However, revelations about the sheer volume of misinformation, and the cultural influence of fake news specifically, have shocked and outraged many in the months since the U.S. presidential election in November.

What distinguishes fake news from the plethora of speculation and conspiracy theory discussions online is that it sells itself as professional journalism. Fake news tries to make itself look real, as do fake ad hosting sites, when...

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How to find the right content mix for your law firm

How to find the right content mix for your law firm

Bill Gates wrote his essay, “Content is King” in 1996. Twenty years later, the phrase still continues to dominate the online marketing world.

Companies in all industries are in a rush to produce as much content as possible, hoping that something sticks — that some piece of content will hit upon the magic mix of luck, quality and value and become a viral sensation.

This rush has created glut of articles, blogs, lists and posts that are...

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How lawyers can take advantage of new trends in video advertising

How lawyers can take advantage of new trends in video advertising

The demand for online video content from publishers and consumers has been growing steadily for years. In the United states, 78 percent of internet users say they watch online video. In July of 2006, a little over a year after YouTube launched, 65,000 videos were being uploaded every day. Now that number is in the hundreds of thousands. Over 400 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute. Cisco estimates that global video traffic,...

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How to clean up your local citations (and why it matters for law firms)

How to clean up your local citations (and why it matters for law firms)

Local citations tend to proliferate regardless of whether you are paying attention. Even if you have done very little active citation building, your firm's local information is likely listed tens if not hundreds of places across the web. If you are working actively on local SEO, you will likely find thousands of sites on which a you can build a listing for your firm.

Ensuring the accuracy of your local citations is critical to your firm's SEO efforts. Search engines...

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Marketing and the Brain - Part 1 of 3

Marketing and the Brain – Part 1 of 3

Visual input

How does your brain perceive a logo? How does copywriting play to the brain’s impulses? What role do emotions play in our decision-making?

Understanding the role of the brain’s cognitive biases and tendencies in the marketing process is essential to converting more leads. The way our brains are wired to respond to marketing features is simpler than you may think. In fact, while each mind is unique, we often respond in predictable ways.

In this three-part blog series, we’ll cover...

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How Long-form content can boost your firm's visibility

How Long-form content can boost your firm’s visibility

The idea of publishing long articles seems to fly in the face of conventional marketing wisdom. People, we are told, have short attention spans. Content should be bite-sized and concise. Otherwise, you will lose your audience; they simply don't have the patience to read long articles.

Data tells a different story. Long-form content ranks well, gets readers and keeps them engaged. Having long-form content available on your site also helps your firm establish its authority — both with search engines...

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The Curious Relationship Between IT and SEO

SEO and ITImagine a scenario in the "Mad Men" era of marketing where the technicians who kept the printing machines running were invited into the decision room to critique and comment on the ads they would be printing. Frankly, it would never happen. Those mechanical engineers weren't generally going to provide the best insights on marketing, any more than the marketing personnel could solve ink spatter problems.

Fast-forward to 2015, and...

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How Fake Reviews Can Get Your Firm Sued

ReviewsGenerally, the consequence for taking a shortcut with your search engine marketing is some sort of disciplinary action from Google. But a law firm in San Diego is getting more than an SEO problem; the online review and business directory, Yelp, is suing the firm, claiming their employees posted fake reviews to the company's Yelp profile.

The firm owner, Julian McMillan, believes there is no merit to the case and that...

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