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Your Law Firm's Web Traffic Has Dropped... Now What?

Your Law Firm’s Web Traffic Has Dropped… Now What?

Recently, I participated in a discussion that was published on Forbes regarding ways to rectify a steep decline in web traffic.

In my response, I said:

Use Google Analytics To Compare Declines In Organic Traffic To Individual Pages

Using Google Analytics, compare the individual page traffic by visiting Behavior > Site Content > All Pages in the left menu. This will show you which pages have seen the greatest decline. You can add a “Secondary Dimension” of “Source” to see which...

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Raising Your Law Firm's Brand With YouTube Audio Ads, and Other Must-Reads

Raising Your Law Firm’s Brand With YouTube Audio Ads, and Other Must-Reads

How to Get Started With YouTube Audio Ads (Search Engine Land)

“YouTube audio ads are a refreshing new ad type designed to serve brand awareness and reach goals with audio content on the video platform.” As of November 2020, audio ads have remained in a global open beta. For law firms looking to further their outreach online, audio ads may be worth the consideration to engage music and podcast listeners.

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SEO Experts Share Their Link-Building Wisdom, and Other Must-Reads

SEO Experts Share Their Link-Building Wisdom, and Other Must-Reads

Controversial Link Building Questions Answered By Expert SEO Women (Search Engine Journal)

In this Search Engine Journal article, nine link building pros were asked to share their experiences on some of the most controversial issues in their area of expertise. Read to find out more.

Improving Brand Reputation Using Google Knowledge Panel (Yaagneshwaran Ganesh)

This Google feature is meant to help get clients quick snapshots of verified information on you and your law...

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Don’t Let Your End-Of-Year Marketing Dollars Go to Waste

Don’t Let Your End-Of-Year Marketing Dollars Go to Waste

If you’re lucky enough to see leftover marketing money in your budget at the end of the year, don’t let it go to waste. End 2019 on a high note by investing in a marketing move that will put your firm in a strong position to hit your 2020 goals.

We have some ideas to help you get the most out of your marketing money this Holiday season.

1. Timely content is always in style

It’s the end of the year, and...

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Businesses That Pay More For SEO Are Happier, According to New Report

Businesses That Pay More For SEO Are Happier, According to New Report

Marketing has never been cheap. But fewer items are more important than the one responsible for exposing a brand to new potential customers. For this reason, the U.S. Small Business Association recommends that businesses with less than $5 million in annual sales devote between seven to eight percent of gross revenue to all types of marketing. Of course, this includes online marketingwebsite development, print advertising,  Read More

Is Stock Photography Bad For Law Firm’s SEO?

Is Stock Photography Bad For Law Firm’s SEO?

There was once a time that stock photography was all the rage. It was handy, not expensive or sometimes free, did the job and looked pretty good. Or did it? That’s the latest issue, whether or not stock photography is bad for a law firm’s SEO. While still useful, to a certain extent, using stock photography just does not function in the way it should when it comes to providing a personal touch to your...

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A Guide on How Law Firms Can Safely Redirect Their Web Pages

A Guide on How Law Firms Can Safely Redirect Their Web Pages

Content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) and web design capabilities are ever-evolving. A law firm might have a website for only a couple of years before a design change is needed to add up-to-date content and increasingly new and advantageous functionalities. Along the way, mishaps such as broken links, known as a 404 error, can be quite common in a page or site redesign or migration. 404 errors are troublesome if multitudes show up, and can have costly repercussions...

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How to Optimize Your Law Firm’s Mobile Website for Voice Search

How to Optimize Your Law Firm’s Mobile Website for Voice Search

Voice searches have steadily increased over the past ten years since smartphones were first capable of speech recognition technology with Google’s voice search app for iPhone. This increase has expanded to the point where, according to a survey by BrightLocal, more than half of consumers have used voice search to find a local business in 2018. For most law firms that do not operate on...Read More

Three Easy Ways Lawyers Can Boost Their Search Rankings

Three Easy Ways Lawyers Can Boost Their Search Rankings

Lawyers and law firms have to worry about marketing themselves to the public more than any time in the history of the industry. Law firms need to compete for attention on the web. Given this environment, it can be difficult to be seen apart from the crowd. Therefore, law firms should pay particular attention to their rankings in search results. The higher the ranking, the higher the chance of searches clicking on your law firm’s website.

One of the...

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