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Attorney marketing and the death of the desktop

Attorney marketing and the death of the desktop

Google any variation of the phrase "the desktop is dead," and you will be presented with millions of results — some of them published this year, some with publish dates as old as 2000. Clearly, the desktop has been dying for a long time.

In the face of such dire predictions, the rush to focus all marketing on mobile is understandable. Mobile is hot. Mobile searches continue to increase. Voice search is becoming more popular. All of these phenomenon...

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Law firm advertising in a mobile-first world

Law firm advertising in a mobile-first world

Google announced several changes to AdWords last week, targeted for mobile campaigns. The updates further demonstrate Google's position that we live in a mobile-first world, and website owners must adapt. Here is a brief overview, along with some steps your firm can take to plan a mobile advertising strategy that fits your goals and reaches your prospective clients successfully.

Expanded text ads
Expanded text ads will allow businesses to reveal more information about what is being advertised before users ...

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5 tips for designing mobile landing pages that convert

5 tips for designing mobile landing pages that convert

Online marketing succeeds with conversion. Moving up in search rankings is a critical step. Enticing people to click on your listing is another. But getting the lead — that is a culmination of efforts. And design plays a role in making it happen.

All of the time spent nurturing organic rankings and money spent on pay-per-click campaigns can quickly be flushed away on a poorly designed mobile landing page.

You cannot assume that your landing pages will be helpful...

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How to adapt your website for the multi-platform majority

How to adapt your website for the multi-platform majority

What are the implications of the new multi-platform reality?

In many localities, mobile devices are ubiquitous. It has become common to see an individual reading an article on a tablet while checking email on a smartphone. Consumers increasingly live in multi-device households and have come to expect websites to function well on all their technology.

In 2013, a tipping point was reached. The majority of internet users are now multi-platform, a phenomenon comScore has dubbed the Multi-Platform Majority....

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To Keep or not to Keep: Google Launches Note Taking App

google keepEarlier this week, Google officially launched Keep, a new Android-based note taking app. Keep addresses a substantial absence within the operating system – the lack of a native notepad or similar notes application. The interface is very simple and is designed to make it easy to make lists, snatch pictures, record thoughts (with voice) or type notes.

Reviews are mixed, with some questioning whether...

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Mobile Optimization is a Must for Law Firms

mobile search for lawyersLast year, Google's paid links (listings powered by Adwords) saw traffic from mobile devices account for 25 percent of clickthroughs -- a significant number, and one that law firms must pay attention to.

When looking at consistency between natural Google rankings on desktops and smart phones, we see little changes. About 85 percent of desktop rankings have the same position when conducting a search...

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Building an Effective Mobile Attorney Website is an Important Law Firm Marketing Tool

smartphoneWebsites designed for desktop browsing are increasingly utilizing oversized elements like large headers, generous graphic features, full screen images and big, bold fonts. This is a design trend that many law firms have embraced successfully. However, while desktop monitors are getting larger, a growing portion of the population is viewing your website on smaller mobile devices like smart phones and tablets.

Having a website that is accessible to...

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Why Flash and Your Law Firm May Need to Separate

There was a time when Adobe Flash (formerly Macromedia Flash) was the web's future. Its ability to put moving objects, presentations and animations on a website made it an industry standard.

Many law firms embraced the technology by having their entire websites made in Flash. Thinking it would help keep the attention of their web visitors, they had slider effects, digital sounds, and flashy transitions. Unfortunately, Google and other search engines were blind to it.

As we fast forward to...

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