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Google Gets the Searches but Yahoo Gets the Traffic

grow your blog readershipYahoo is back in the web traffic game. 2013 statistics show that although Google is still the clear leader in search engine use, Yahoo is showing a healthy uptick in overall web traffic, for the first time in two years. The numbers do not include mobile traffic. Those numbers are out soon and may show a different story.

Comscore, which ranks top U.S. websites, reveals Yahoo hit 196.6 million...

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Content is still king on an attorney website, but pictures are good for sharing

blog picturesThe value of blogging for attorneys lies in creating relevant content. Writing and posting regularly to a blog on your attorney website helps establish you as a trusted resource and creates interest in your work, giving prospects and clients a reason to return to your website and to refer it to others.

Blogging as a part of a law firm marketing strategy does drive traffic. In 2011, Read More

3 Steps to a Bigger Law Firm in 2012

A new year is upon us and it is time to start working on your law firm’s growth for 2012. If you are not doing these three things, now is the time to start.

1) Start Spreading the News – A monthly press release routine keeps your firm in the spotlight, creates inbound links that help with search engine optimization, and delivers web traffic. Comment on events and legislation related to your practice area. Host seminars and send out press...

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Repair or Replace Your Law Firm’s Website

A lot of law firms are frustrated when they find out that the website they just built cannot be optimized. It seems as if the time and money that was put into the site was all for nothing.

Sometimes it is better (and costs less money) to start over with a new website that is built by the same company that is going to market it. However, if you have the right elements in place, you might be able ...

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