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5 ways to use storytelling to enhance website effectiveness

5 ways to use storytelling to enhance website effectiveness

Storytelling is integral to branding, marketing and design. Stories are compelling, and they move people to act in a way that raw data cannot.

The psychology of stories

Marketers have long made the claim that every brand needs a good story. And a growing body of scientific evidence now supports this assertion. According to psychologists Melanie Green and Tim Brock, reading fictional stories changes the way humans process information. The more absorbed people are in a story, the...

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The beauty of simplicity: How to be heard in an oversaturated market

The beauty of simplicity: How to be heard in an oversaturated market

One piece of advice included in almost all articles about branding and design is this: simplify everything. Reduce noise and clutter in your design, distill content down to is essence and stop trying to shout louder than everyone else to be heard.

Marketers give this advice because it works. Having too many choices prevents consumers from making a purchasing decision. Being confronted with too much visual noise prevents visitors from being able to effectively navigate a website. Simplicity is...

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9 characteristics of a good attorney website

9 characteristics of a good attorney website

The qualities of a good attorney website have changed considerably over the past several years. Infrequently updated, brochure style websites no longer meet the needs of firms that wish to pursue an integrated on- and offline marketing strategy. Websites must be designed to keep visitors interested. They should contain current, relevant content and give users plenty of opportunity to take actions that generate leads for the firm.

Having a website is the bare minimum. A thoughtfully developed website that...

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Verdict is mixed on the effects of Google's mobile algorithm update

Verdict is mixed on the effects of Google’s mobile algorithm update

Google began rolling out it's most recent algorithm update on April 21st, to much fanfare. The change, hyperbolically dubbed Mobilegeddon, applies to mobile searches only. According to Google, it is now prioritizing pages it deems to be mobile-friendly in smartphone search results.

Google makes hundreds of adjustments to its algorithm every year, all quietly and mostly unnoticed. But Google took the rare step of announcing that this change was coming, which likely added to the general air...

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How to get the best results from your marketing team

How to get the best results from your marketing team

Your firm is investing time and money in online marketing, and you rightly expect to work with a team of professionals. If you decide to produce a new website product to better reach potential clients, you expect the process of development to run smoothly. And you want a branding strategy that works.

The worst-case scenario when working with a marketing company is for the process to break down, causing frustration that can hinder everyone's ability to look for positive...

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Be useful: How to design a website experience that solves real clients' problems

Be useful: How to design a website experience that solves real clients’ problems

Attorney websites have progressed significantly over the past three to five years, with blogs, regularly updated content and rich media replacing static brochure-style pages. Improvements in design and interactivity help attorneys communicate with visitors and help potential clients better understand what they can expect when working with the firms they are reviewing.

Moving away from pointless, search-engine driven content is just the first step. Too may attorney websites still fail to place enough of an emphasis on the user. Website...

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How custom photography enhances website design and success rates

How custom photography enhances website design and success rates

Humans are visual creatures; our experiences are heightened and our actions are often driven by our interpretation of the things we see. The right visuals create memories and instill trust in ways that words simply cannot.

Every choice that is made during the design process should support the overall goals of your website, and quality photography enhances the professionalism and effectiveness of the site. Since photography is such an important element, it should be truly unique. Here are some...

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How to use website design to build trust

How to use website design to build trust

Your firm's website is one marketing tool that can function for you at any time and in almost any place. Your site is working as your brand ambassador while you are sleeping, when you are in court, as you are preparing a case or when you just need to enjoy some time away from thinking about the business of running your firm.

Since your website may be the only contact a prospective client has with your firm before forming an...

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6 website pitfalls bringing your law firm down

6 website pitfalls bringing your law firm down

Possibilities for creative website design continue to expand daily. Code is becoming smarter, allowing designers to create interactive pages that compel visitors to take action. New thinking surrounding page structures and navigation provides alternative methods for displaying content that can be adjusted with high levels of specificity to meet the needs of a specific target audience. It is an exciting time for those working within the web design space. Websites are no longer limited by traditional structures or the...

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Engage website visitors through story-driven design

Engage website visitors through story-driven design

Marketing should be a natural fit for attorneys. From website design to blogging to advertisements to word-of-mouth, each piece of an integrated marketing strategy has the basic goal of helping to convince prospects they should become clients. Marketing is storytelling. And effective marketing combines good storytelling with the right persuasive elements.

Attorneys earn a living through persuasion. The art of persuasion is most clearly on display during jury trials but is also a factor when a business attorney guides an...

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