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How To Keep Your Readers Engaged During This Pandemic, And Other Tips To Keep Your Law Firm Agile

How To Keep Your Readers Engaged During This Pandemic, And Other Tips To Keep Your Law Firm Agile

The six habits of highly effective law firm thought leadership content (

Highly effective written communication is key to maintaining strong client relations and is essential to attracting new clients. Your thought leadership content, including blogs, newsletters, and emails, has a huge task: to keep the reader engaged enough to keep reading. This isn’t easy. But if you always follow these 6 tips when writing content, you’ll find that it won’t just get scanned and abandoned by your readers.

Writing and editing for empathy in legal marketing (Attorney at Work)

People come to your website looking for answers to questions and concerns that are highly human and emotional. Your writing should reflect the intention of your content: to answer their questions in a way that connects to your readers on a human level. If you find yourself writing blog posts about topics that are highly interesting to you, that’s great, but are your sentences long, convoluted and intellectualized, or they clear and understandable? Read on to discover how to write and edit for empathetic connections with your audience.

How Google fights disinformation (and what it means for your law firm’s website) (LawLytics)

When false information spreads on the internet, Google’s mission to make information accessible and useful is undermined. While Google fights the spread of disinformation online, it’s essential for law firms to know how its algorithms affect your website. In this article, see how and why Google holds your content to the highest standard.

A Lawyer’s Guide to Off-Page SEO (Bigger Law Firm)

When you think of search engine optimization (SEO), you usually think of the optimization of content, code, design, and configuration of your website and its pages. That is, on-page SEO. However, off-page SEO is just as important to the goal of getting your website to the top of search rankings. There are many off-site strategies such as link building and business listings that are essential to your SEO success, and here’s your guide to how to manage them.

In case you missed it…

Finally big news that has nothing to do with COVID-19: Google releases broad core algorithm update (Custom Legal Marketing)

Take your mind off the pandemic for a little while, because your law firm search rankings need attention. Google has released a broad core algorithm update. Read on to find out what that means for your search rankings, and how to respond to an update like this.

Custom Legal Marketing knows it can be tough to keep track of all the ways your law firm can adapt and thrive through the pandemic and beyond. That’s why we keep you updated with our favorite blogs that we think you’ll find helpful. As trailblazers in the legal marketing landscape, we pave the path forward so you can keep doing what you do best.

Cristina Fríes is a MA in English/Creative Writing from UC Davis (2019), and is a legal marketing strategist and content developer for CLM. Her interests include creating compelling marketing content, writing books, and traveling the world.