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Charitable Activities are Good for Your Community and Law Firm Marketing

Charitable Activities are Good for Your Community and Law Firm Marketing

Don’t keep your charitable activities secret. The fact that your law firm cares about others in more ways than one is not only something worth celebrating but sharing. Doing so will both strengthen bonds within your network as well as help you connect with prospects in a deeper way than traditional outreach or advertisements. After all, a prospective client is unlikely to forget someone who donated thousands of dollars to help recovery efforts after a natural disaster or who...

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Is Spotify A Missed Advertising Opportunity For Lawyers?

Is Spotify A Missed Advertising Opportunity For Lawyers?

Records, cassettes, CDs, mp3 – this is the evolution of portable recordings. Now that we are in the streaming era of digital media, new ways have emerged for you listen to music, books, and shows wherever you go. One company that provides streaming digital media is Spotify.

Spotify is a streaming service that provides access content from entertainers and other professionals all over the world. At the basic...

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How to repurpose webinars for maximum marketing impact

How to repurpose webinars for maximum marketing impact

Webinars are an often underutilized attorney marketing resource. From a purely digital standpoint, webinars are valuable SEO and content marketing tools. According to a Content Marketing Institute Link Building Survey, webinars are one of the top five types of content that are most likely to naturally acquire links to your website. From a client acquisition perspective, webinars can help position your firm as a trusted resource, open the door for future dialogue, and ultimately generate leads...

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Emerging web design trends for 2018

Emerging web design trends for 2018

Web design trends change naturally as technology evolves. Ideas that were once considered experimental become mainstream, and design components that were once mainstream eventually become obsolete.

As the zeitgeist of design evolves over time, one constant remains true: first impressions matter. Up to 75 percent of consumers still report that the visual appeal of a website influences their decision about whether to trust a business. Design still matters.

Understanding current design trends can help your firm decide which might be...

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Focus on simplicity to boost lead generation

Focus on simplicity to boost lead generation

Lead generating attorney websites have several features in common. A lead generating website will make it easy for visitors to contact the firm by prominently featuring a phone number and giving visitors the option to fill out a simplified form on every page. Many such websites also incorporate a live chat feature.

Lead generating websites will also contain some form of social proof, from industry and peer review seals to client testimonials, all of which show prospective clients they...

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Always be lawyering: 5 questions to ask a new marketing company

Always be lawyering: 5 questions to ask a new marketing company

Demands on lawyers' time were great enough before the onslaught of online marketing. Now, these demands can seem overpowering. Blogging? Check. Webinars? Check. Video production? Check. Content production? Check. Social media posting? Check. Podcast? Check. What was that other thing you were supposed to be doing? Oh yes, being an attorney. That was it.

As important as marketing and business development are, being a good attorney comes first. Always. Tending to client needs comes first. Without good client service, marketing,...

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8 tips for creating effective PowerPoint presentations

8 tips for creating effective PowerPoint presentations

Poor PowerPoint gets a bad rap. The software is blamed for countless hours spent enduring boring presentations. It is blamed for the multitude of bad slide designs released into the world. It has become almost synonymous with the idea of something unwanted — for both creators and viewers of presentations.

But hope does exist. PowerPoint is just a tool, after all. It can be used to create well-designed, compelling presentations. If you agree to set the bullet points and...

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Developing trustworthiness in a post-truth era

Developing trustworthiness in a post-truth era

Most people know that false information runs free on the internet. However, revelations about the sheer volume of misinformation, and the cultural influence of fake news specifically, have shocked and outraged many in the months since the U.S. presidential election in November.

What distinguishes fake news from the plethora of speculation and conspiracy theory discussions online is that it sells itself as professional journalism. Fake news tries to make itself look real, as do fake ad hosting sites, when...

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