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Shopping for a Bigger Law Firm

With parties, travel, holiday planning and shopping taking the top slots in your priority list it is important to also use this time of year to establish a law firm marketing plan for 2012.

December is by far the busiest time of year for us because law firms use the traditionally slower month to look at their online marketing and see how their current strategy has played out. Is there more traffic? More exposure? More phone calls? Is there a...

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A Legal Marketing Tip from Sigmund Freud – Podcast

When marketing your law firm, you have to stand out and have some sort of symbolism that your target audience can connect to your law firm. SEO | Law Firm's law firm marketing podcast discusses how Freudian techniques and other recommendations can help make your marketing more memorable and attract more clients.

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Why Flash and Your Law Firm May Need to Separate

There was a time when Adobe Flash (formerly Macromedia Flash) was the web's future. Its ability to put moving objects, presentations and animations on a website made it an industry standard.

Many law firms embraced the technology by having their entire websites made in Flash. Thinking it would help keep the attention of their web visitors, they had slider effects, digital sounds, and flashy transitions. Unfortunately, Google and other search engines were blind to it.

As we fast forward to...

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Repair or Replace Your Law Firm’s Website

A lot of law firms are frustrated when they find out that the website they just built cannot be optimized. It seems as if the time and money that was put into the site was all for nothing.

Sometimes it is better (and costs less money) to start over with a new website that is built by the same company that is going to market it. However, if you have the right elements in place, you might be able ...

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Sell Your Clients the Life They Want to Have

Among the many challenges that law firms have to deal with is, of course, growth. Lawyers spend millions of dollars on marketing every year in an effort to get new clients. From billboards, to television, radio, and the Internet, law firms are spending money to accomplish one thing – to build a bigger law firm.

Unfortunately, many firms spend their law firm marketing dollars on ad campaigns that look the same as every other attorney's advertisements in their region....

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Targeting a Niche Clientele Offers Search Engine Optimization Benefits

We use Google as a standard in search engine optimization because their ranking algorithm is the most stable, relevant, and widely used. Claiming more than 80 percent of North American search queries each month, Google is the standard we use to do search engine marketing.

Google is interested in showing only the most relevant, high-quality websites for each search query. If people search for something on Google and messy, obnoxious websites always show up first, Google loses its credibility. However,...

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