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10 things you can do now to boost your legal marketing

10 things you can do now to boost your legal marketing

Marketing is a process. Each piece, from social media to online marketing to TV ads to networking, has many moving parts. Some must be carefully coordinated to function as an integrated campaign. Others, you can work on individually as time permits. While the scope of all marketing activities combined can be considerable, there are things you can do in an hour or two that will advance your business development goals.

Here are ten valuable marketing actions you can take, even...

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Developing trustworthiness in a post-truth era

Developing trustworthiness in a post-truth era

Most people know that false information runs free on the internet. However, revelations about the sheer volume of misinformation, and the cultural influence of fake news specifically, have shocked and outraged many in the months since the U.S. presidential election in November.

What distinguishes fake news from the plethora of speculation and conspiracy theory discussions online is that it sells itself as professional journalism. Fake news tries to make itself look real, as do fake ad hosting sites, when...

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How to convince clients to write reviews for your law firm

How to convince clients to write reviews for your law firm

Many attorneys are uncomfortable soliciting referrals from clients — and downright adverse to the idea of asking for testimonials. Firms can easily hide behind ethical concerns and bar regulations when cataloguing reasons not to ask for testimonials. And attorneys must, of course, take care to adhere to state bar guidelines regarding client feedback. But your firm can request testimonials ethically and within the purview of bar guidelines. Not only is this possible, it is a necessary element of doing...

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Does Active Blogging Pay off for Law Firms?

rss stickerWe recently conducted a study to see if blogging really impacted search engine rankings. We searched for highly-competitive terms in some of the America's largest cities and reviewed the top three natural rankings. Aside from blog activity, we also looked at the overall number of pages on the sites and social activity.

The results were mixed, but we found some interesting similarities. We looked at five key practice areas in...

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Getting personal leads to getting new cases

People hire you to handle their legal matters. They don't hire logos, DIY legal document services, they hire you - your experience, your credentials, maybe even the style of your hair. Whatever it is, you are who they are contacting.

You need...

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Digital Business Card Options are Expanding

digcardDepending upon who you ask, business cards are either an essential professional tool or a dinosaur left over from the old days of print. The reality is probably somewhere in between; you will not win new clients through the sheer brilliance of your business card design, but a good card can help keep you in touch with valuable connections.

Truly tech-savvy early adopters have been searching for ways to digitize...

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Create the right impression with your profile picture

profileEven if you are consistently posting the most prescient, insightful information on your social media profiles, people will likely notice your picture before they start paying attention to what you have to say. First impressions matter, and they are almost always visual.

Like it or not, you need a good profile picture – a picture of you, not your dog or your child or your favorite beach. And...

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5 Link Building Tips for Lawyers in the Post Penguin Google

Google Penguin NinjaThis year's Penguin updates from Google have changed how many law firms are positioned in the search results. For years, we have identified many cheating law firms that heavily took part in link exchanges, buying paid links, forum spam, blog comment spam, paid posting and other link building tactics that are now yielding useless, if not damaging, links.

The old link building strategy was easy. Get a lot...

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How TV Ads and SEO Work Together for Your Firm

tv ads law firms seoA lot of law firms use television ads to increase awareness and get leads. But some lawyers who closely monitor their lead sources have seen their search engine optimization efforts improve the conversion rate of their television advertisements.

Many elements go into a successful SEO campaign. From local profiles, videos and news releases to publishing content on third party authoritative websites to onsite work that makes the law firm's...

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