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Harmonize your content and visual marketing for maximum reach

lookContent Marketing: Hail to the King
The key to a truly successful law firm marketing strategy has always been producing a steady stream of relevant content. Even before Google released Panda and now Penguin, the most reliable way to promote long-term goals – both of being found and converting visitors to clients – was to create value through quality, meaningful content. Now, with Google supposedly cracking down on SEO cheaters, rendering old tactics (and those of questionable ethical merit) obsolete, producing content that both Google and potential clients find useful is more important than ever.

Besides, content that contains what Google considers to be keyword spam is awkward and forced. It has never been a good idea. It is difficult to relate, for example, to a “Boring, Oregon Small Business Attorney serving small businesses in Boring, Clackamas County and the Portland-Vancouver metro area who need the advice of an experienced Boring Small Business Attorney and Boring Business Litigation Attorney.” (Hat tip to Boring, Oregon, for being a good sport). If a visitor does manage to make it thought a sentence like that without losing interest and clicking away, they still know nothing about the firm and what unique advantage it offers over any other.

In addition to page content that converts, a regular schedule of good, old-fashioned blog posts is also a must. And blogs and website content must be placed within the larger view of a content marketing strategy that broadcasts relevant posts, Tweets, videos and other communication on a consistent basis. Your content does not have to be all about you – writing about news items and other topics that relate to your areas of practice are also very effective. Just make sure all content matches your firm’s individual voice and personality both online and off.

Visual, Social Marketing: Expand Your Audience
The importance of content is indisputable. But visual marketing, particularly through social media, is becoming critical as well. While marketing companies and industry experts are pushing content, content, content, they are also starting to push graphics, graphics, graphics - advising clients to use more pictures and video. Content is king! Visuals draw more attention! So, which is it?

You cannot ignore one or the other. Your firm must position itself as a value leader through both useful, relevant content and compelling visual media. Studies of user behavior have shown that people on social media sites respond to posts that use images and video more than those that are text only. Pinterest has become successful precisely because it has not attempted to be another Facebook or Twitter. It allows users to create a visual scrapbook of interesting items from around the web. Pinterest is enough of a force in the social media sphere that businesses are starting to take note of its marketing potential. But, to get on the boards, you must have visuals. A great article combined with a compelling image is just the right mix.

Instagram, recently purchased by Facebook, is also making visual marketing more accessible. Instagram allows you to take a picture with your phone, apply a cool filter and share it across multiple sites. Is your firm involved in a community event, fundraiser or local charity walk? Take a picture of the members participating and share it. Use it in a blog post and/or press release. The right combination of visual and content marketing can help your firm connect with prospects and bring in more cases.

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